Monday, October 17, 2011

Jack Frost arrived!

I think today was the beginning of the Russian winter.  You would have thought it was Christmas morning around here.  The kids went to the window and looked outside.  Immediately, I heard screaming (the good kind) and "Mommy, It's snowing!"  I expected to see white stuff falling from the sky.  Instead I look out and there is a light, spotty dusting of the ground.  That didn't matter to the kids.  You have to love their enthusiasm. They were ready to gear up and make snowballs.  It was still dark at this point, as the sun doesn't rise until 8 AM.  They were half dressed for the snow within 5 minutes.   So, we all went outside and played in the playground and took pictures of their "first" dusting in Russia.  They don't know it but they are probably going to be sick of snow by the time winter is over.  It was only in the 20s, but it felt COLD.  I am positive that we were the most excited family in all of Khabarovsk this morning.  To all of our Southern Alabama friends, here are some photos of our morning. 

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