Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lessons in the Unexpected

Here is a recap of our first 3 weeks of 2012:

1 totaled car in an interstate pile-up
1 strep throat
1 root canal
1 sprained, possibly broken foot
1 visit from the tooth fairy

All of the above was unplanned.  But isn't that really just life?  I mean, life is what happens when you least expect it.  Driving down the interstate after a happy family vacation and bam!, a white-out occurs and your car is pushed into the guard rail of a major interstate.  Or after you put the kids to bed, one wakes up screaming that his head is pounding, and you find out he has a high fever and rush him to to the doctor the next day to find out it is strep throat.  Or a simple request from a child to enjoy the pretty day and ride bicycles through the neighborhood leads to an Urgent care visit.  None of these things are on our calendar.  We don't wake up in the morning and think, "Oh, I think I am going to have an accident today." But they happen none the less.  How we respond to these "interruptions" is really an opportunity to choose faith or disbelief.  Do I really believe that God is indeed IN all of these situations?  I had my own plans for each of these days and they didn't involve doctors and insurance agents.  He is so good to remind me in all of these instances that He is in control of ALL things, and that He loves me enough to keep working on me  to make me more and more like Jesus.  And I learn S-L-O-W-L-Y.   I need a lot of sanctification.  And so I press on, with hope and faith that no matter what tomorrow brings, He is in those details.  And He will see me through.

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