Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're really going to Russia

It is kind of surreal.  I mean, we have been talking about this for almost 9 years since we came home from Ukraine.  Going back overseas to the former Soviet Union, working there, living there, possibly tentmaking...4 kids later, it is really happening.  I really can't get my mind around the fact that in just 2 weeks, we will be loading up our 12 suitcases and 4 small children and getting on an almost 20 hour plane flight half-way around the world.   Meanwhile, my house remains a mess, piles everywhere to organize, sick children to take care of, laundry to clean, meals to cook, children to teach, projects unfinished...In a few weeks, those things won't change.  But when I ask my Kindergartener what continent she lives on during recitation, she will need to say "Asia".  How strange is that? 

This blog is an attempt to give all of you back home a little peek into our adventures so that you may live vicariously, or most likely just be thankful it isn't you living in sub-Arctic temps next Fall.  By the way, here is a view from hubby's office taken this week.  Just so you know what "Spring" looks like in Khabarovsk.

1 comment:

Stellanet said...

I am delighted to provide your first comment! I can hardly believe you're moving to Russia, and what a wonderful idea to blog your way through! I will pray for your preparations in the coming weeks, especially for everyone to be well. You are so dear - I know you will be missed. I look forward to following your journey. Hugs and Blessings, Crys Hatcher