Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First visit to the Russian pediatrician

A strange thing happens whenever Daddy goes out of town.  One of the children gets sick or hurt or both sometimes.  It never fails.  He left for Moscow yesterday morning.  The day before we had all gone out for pizza after church, and C3 began to develop a rash on his face.  The next morning, after Hubby had already left, the rash had spread from his face to his neck and buttocks and chest.  I began suspecting food allergies and then possibly a Candida infection due to the color and because of the increased amounts of juice he was consuming here.  Russians love juice!  This morning after numerous phone calls from various people and to various people, a Russian lady I had never met appeared at my doorstep with a car to pick us up and take us to the clinic.  Some interesting differences... First, when you go to a Russian doctor, you have to pay in full BEFORE you see the doctor.   Second, you have to put on these blue plastic covers that look like a shower cap on your feet before entering the building.  Third, only the patient and the Mom can enter the room to see the doctor.  Siblings and husbands must stay in the waiting area.  Oh, and lastly, in order to receive shots, you must first go to the nearest pharmacy ("Apteka") and buy the shots, and bring them back to the nurse to have them administered.  Well, actually they asked me if I wanted to administer them.  I looked at her like she was crazy.  I was not about to give my 3 year old a shot when I had never done it before and in a foreign country.  After all that, it appears that he has had a severe allergic reaction to some kind of food.  She advised taking him off all dairy products for several weeks and then reintroducing them.  This is not an easy task as the grocery store consists of probably 1/3 dairy products here between all kinds of cheeses, milks, kefirs, yogurts, and creams, many you have never even heard of before.   So I welcome from my readers all dairy-free, kid-friendly recipes that you might have to share.  And please pray that my little Curious George gets well soon.  He looks a sight to see between his facial rash and the various scratches and bumps he has acquired from life in Russia.  I would post a picture, but his Mimi & Grandma might bring him home after they see it.  He seems to be very accident-prone and very curious, an interesting combination.

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