Friday, May 27, 2011

Taking care of Tommy

C3's rash became more severe since seeing the Russian doctor.  That evening the Russian equivalent of 911 came to our house as he was getting worse even after the steroid shot.  I will not comment on the level of care that was received as I do not wish to be too critical of a system we are only learning.  However, we were advised to fly him East to Sakhalin Island, Russia, the next day by a Westerner.   The whole gang got on the plane not knowing what to expect.  Thank you for your prayers.  Many prayers have been lifted up on our behalf, and we are truly grateful.  God is gracious all the time.  We were welcomed to Yuzhno-Sakhalin by the son of Scott's boss who is living here.  He, along with another Alabamian ex-pat, has kindly taken our children to play somewhere twice now since we arrived.  Everything has been sovereignly ordained between the flight, the hotel, a driver, someone to help with the children, the doctor, and countless other details.  I have never had a doctor spend as much time with me before in my life as this one has.  He is a young South African doctor working in an international clinic here.   Unfortunately, there are not enough internationals in Khabarovsk to warrant such a clinic.  C3 has been a real trooper.  He looks horrible.  This morning we thought we might have to fly him to Seoul in the morning to have some more tests done.  But this afternoon we were encouraged that the blood work came back negative and that the heart murmor detected yesterday was not apparent today.  We still don't know the cause of his reaction and haven't seen much improvement but are hopeful and headed in a positive direction.  The other children have dubbed themselves "the traveling Taylors'".  Perhaps I should have put that for the name of our website.  Again, many thanks for our friends back home who are praying for us.  What a peace to know that though we are not in control, the Creator of the Universe is; and He loves us.

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